iron production sector.

entered the electricity sector
after acquiring 4 Hydraulic Power Plants in 2013.

It meets most of the need for
lime in the country.

and nitrogen in gas
and liquid state.

- We pledge to:
- Involve our clients in all our activity and projects.
- Strictly abide by the laws and regulations on occupational safety and health.
- Act in accordance with the law and contribute to the protection of the environment.
- Create safe, healthy work environments with current conditions.
- Provide equal opportunities for all our employees
To be an innovative, competitive and leading company in the iron, steel and energy manufacturing industry in every country we operate.
Kurum operates in accordance with the highest world labor standards.

Occupational Health and Safety Management System
Environmental Management System
Quality Management System
Quality Standard

Our values
We take risks. Perform actions for measurable results. We are innovative, determined and brave.
We care about the interests of our partners. We are loyal and stable business partners.
We are open to new spirits and appreciate them. We follow the latest developments, promote innovative ideas and apply them to our technology and business model.
We support teamwork and value fresh ideas. The interests of the group are primary to making decisions as a team.
We take care of our employees' development and satisfaction by creating opportunities for their further professional development. Kurum continuously invests in human resources and supporting infrastructure to ensure sustainable development.
Kurum Team
Safety at work
Kurum knows that in order to succeed and move forward with progress, human support is needed. We give the utmost importance to the safety and health of our employees. The environment in which they operate is challenging and requires greater care. This is why Kurum takes all the necessary precautions, providing the best equipment and materials for our team to work with confidence and efficiency.
Kurum investon një sasi të konsiderueshme të kohës dhe resurseve në përmirësimin e ekipit. Ne besojmë se të gjithë punonjësit e Kurum kanë nevojë për mundësitë e duhura, që të shfaqin potencial dhe performancë të lartë. Për këtë arsye, ne investojmë në trajnime dhe punëtori të cilat i ndihmojnë ata për të arritur më shumë në karrierën e tyre.
Kurum invests a considerable amount of time and resources in team improvement. We believe that all Kurum employees need the right opportunities to display high potential and performance. For this reason, we invest in training and workshops which help them to achieve more in their careers.
We aim to create a team: - loyal to the values of Kurum
- open to innovation and development
- with an innovative perspective
- solution-oriented
- familiar with technology

Contact us
For any questions or information, feel free to contact us. We will reply to you as soon as possible.